Funeral Packages
No Service, contractor coffin, cremation fee, cremation medical certificate, death certificate and transfers.
Basic teak coffin, cremation fee, cremation medical certificate, death certificate, transfer fees, funeral newspaper notice, in house celebrant, seasonal flowers, viewing or rosary on the day of the service and memorial book.
Choice of rosewood, walnut or teak coffin, cremation fees, cremation medical certificate, death certificate, transfer fees, funeral newspaper notice, in house celebrant, seasonal flowers, viewing or rosary on the day of the service and memorial book.
‘Swan’ rosewood coffin, cremation fee, cremation medical certificate , death certificate, transfer fees, in house celebrant, funeral newspaper, flowers, viewing or rosary and memorial book.
Choice of ‘Bradford’, ‘Calvary’, or ‘Linden’ coffin, cremation fee, cremation medical certificate, death certificate, transfer fees, in house celebrant, funeral newspaper notice, seasonal flowers, viewing or rosary, family dvd presentation (70 photos), 100 x service sheets and memorial book.
Choice of ‘Grovedale’, ‘Goldline’, ‘Lady Linden’ or ‘’Denman’ coffin, cremation fees, certificates, transfers, celebrant, funeral newspaper notice, flowers, viewing or rosary, family dvd presentation (70 photos) 100x service sheets and memorial book.
‘Grecian Urn’ casket, cremation fee, certificates, transfer fees, celebrant, flowers, Funeral newspaper notice, viewing, family dvd presentation, service sheets and memorial book.
Choice of solid timber ‘Denman Cedar’, ‘Harrington’ or ‘Majestic’ coffin, cremation fee’s, certificates, transfers, celebrant, funeral newspaper notice, flowers, viewing, dvd 70 photos presentation, x100 service sheets and memorial book.
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(4) Lorem ipsum - 30th Aug 2022
“Maecenas ac augue ac nisl eleifend mollis at non odio. Vivamus porttitor sapien convallis, viverra nulla eu, amet dapibus magna. Etiam sit amet leo neque est. Curabitur eget iaculis leo, facilisis tincidunt dolor.”
(4) Lorem ipsum - 30th Aug 2022
“Maecenas ac augue ac nisl eleifend mollis at non odio. Vivamus porttitor sapien convallis, viverra nulla eu, amet dapibus magna. Etiam sit amet leo neque est. Curabitur eget iaculis leo, facilisis tincidunt dolor.”
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